We had a blast in the costume shop this Halloween season.
Whether you rented from us, simply checked us out, or even were only a Blog reader, we've enjoyed your company in this bizarre endeavor.
The Sunday after Halloween is always a bittersweet day for me. It marks the end of the busy-ness. It marks the end of 18 hour days. It marks the end of getting to spend time with my closest girlfriends who volunteer their time to help me with this crazy hobby of mine.
I offer my heartfelt thanks to Barb, Beth, Danika, Janet, Kathy, Katie, Linda, Mary, Peggy, and Phyllis. Each and every one of them has been a great supporter, creative costumer, and welcome companion this past month. I am also grateful for Tom, Dale, and Joren, who also served their time helping with the shop in some capacity or another.
We're slowing down. We don't dress up and party as much as we once did. But we still enjoy spending time with each other, and the Costume Shop has been a consistent place for us to convene for years.
There are times that I dream about a more sane pace in October that doesn't include a rental business. I know I would miss it terribly. If my dreams were to really come true we would have a community theatre company with a building in Hastings from which I could run the business. I would love being the Executive/Artistic director of a local community theatre. We could do great things. But fund-raising isn't my forte. And that dream is gonna take some serious cash. Anyone have a cool million to donate for a great cause? I'm hopeful.
I'll hold on to that dream for the time being. It's either that or this little shop will be my retirement job. And that doesn't sound so bad either.
For now, I think I shall take a nap.